123I has excellent physical properties for imaging the thyroid gland by Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) and is produced by the 124Xe(p,pn)123Xe : 123I nuclear reaction.
The half-life of 123I is approximately 13.13 hours, which is ideal for the 24-hour iodine uptake test. In addition, 123I gamma emission of allows excellent imaging with low background activity, providing considerably lower doses of radiation to the thyroid with comparable activity than that of 131I. Following oral administration, 123I is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract and is taken up by the thyroid gland.
Molecules of biological interest to assess metabolism and receptor function can also be labelled with 123I, which allows proper SPECT imaging. As an example, 123I-MIBG (métaiodobenzylguanidine) is used to explore the myocardial adrenergic stores in patients with congestive heart failure but also to detect neuroblastoma and pheochromocytoma.

123I-MIBG images of patients with a right adrenal tumor, confirmed as pheochromocytoma at surgery (left image) and with a paraganglioma metastatic to bone (right image).

Cortec Health is pleased to provide 124Xe of exceptional isotopic enrichment (I.E. > 99.95%) and chemical purity (C.P: 99.999%) that allows for maximum-yield production of 123I. Customized packaging of 124Xe is available upon request.
Xe impurities (%): < 0.043 126Xe, < 0.001 128Xe, < 0.001 129Xe, < 0.001 130Xe, < 0.001 131Xe, < 0.001 132Xe,